It has been a privilege to teach the class of 2020 at the Shena campus. Such a wonderful group of young people, joyful with a sometimes-stubborn uniqueness. Nurturing the next generation of creative minds, who have demonstrated a wealth of talent. The community which they have shaped in our studio has been a space for discovery, taking creative risk and building confidence. I have seen each one grow in a multitude of ways. Thinking critically to solve problems in unique and personal ways. 2020 has indeed been a year no one will forget in a hurry.. sharing this historical landmark together and supporting one another will be a lasting memory for me.
Bettina Halpern: Tutor
Harsh lighting and absolute mindless boredom, nourishment through the written word, making the mindset conducive to enjoyment and fulfillment, creating pattern and shapes, sustaining routines and daily rituals. All of these kept me going during quarantine.
This work examines the emptiness of the city since the Pandemic struck, with particular focus on Piccadilly Gardens which lost its hustle bustle and energy. l transformed these views into line drawings with simplistic sketches, replacing each building or its surroundings with a linear drawing which catches the lost sounds and personalities.
My Family: Three Generations of Women
My work is centred around societies and human conditions
“In societies dominated by modern conditions of production, life is presented as an immense accumulation of spectacles,” Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle (1967)... Increasingly, the spectacle serves as capitalism's primary mechanism of social control
Dry Your Eyes
My work focuses on personal change and development... self-exploration and past memories which have made an impact on my life
Work which explores the Cycle of life managing the relationship between body and mind controlling anxieties
This work examines the juxtaposition of urban and economic growth in Manchester. Taking inspiration from repeat architectural pattern in the city and the natural world. I am passionate about sustainability in both fashion and textiles.
Her loudest scream possibly ever was swept behind the car by the explosive winds. Morghan taps a few times on the driver’s shoulder, who’s reaction to which was a screech and a violent swerve, slamming Violets entire body into her husband’s, squeezing him against the side of the vehicle. Spinning the wheel like a pirate in a storm in an attempt to get the car back on track, Vixer shuts down both his unruly passengers with a death stare to beat all others.
An exploration of the concept of dreams through the unsettling yet calming atmosphere of scenery… focusing particularlyon red sky and derelict spaces.
My creative practice involves interacting and manipulating different materials. For may FMP I have build a SHED out of all reclaimed wood, which has turned out to be a venture for my peers, becoming the centre for our end of year show 'Art in the community'.
Art in the Community shed build
Helen's work attempts to visually demonstrate the mental and emotional impact of self-isolation.
‘College gave me the freedom to explore all areas of art which really helped me to decide what I want to do for a future career.’
A Story With No Words
This piece of work shows the impacts of how certain memories can affect you, both mentally and physically.
Fossil of a Knot
This piece of works displays the negative space of a knot. The work was massively inspired by the artist Henry Moore.
We Can Be
Looking into the history of Black Britain, I wanted to focus on the children who were born from immigrant parents from the Windrush Generation. Exploring the hardships and confusion of being in an unfamiliar place that didn't welcome you.
My life drawings have underpinned my working practice in a wide range of creative media. I love the challenge of large scale portraiture and I choose to paint with sincerity.
I look at myself by the reflection - I can’t stand the mirror with this hair - Big, afro, fresh and with an inexplicable touching temptation - scared to mess it up even more - Not scared to be who he wants to be? - Proud to be free - Skin’s getting dry, so it starts to rip. There’s need of lotion so my skin can breathe - Keep exercising my body to stay fit - Taking showers for fun so I don’t smell feet - One metre - A few keep putting me down - It’s not part of genes - I’m just a grade down.